Nov 11, 2024
Reflection on the recent information afternoon for patients with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis hosted by Psoriasispatiënten Nederland
On 9 November 2024, in celebration of World Psoriasis Day, Psoriasispatiënten Nederland (Psoriasis Patients Netherlands) hosted an informative event in Nijkerk (the Netherlands). With over 90 attendees, the event was a great success, offering valuable insights and fostering connections among patients, clinicians, and researchers.
The event aimed to offer the latest information on psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis while fostering discussions on treatment options and research advancements. A diverse range of expert presentations and interactive sessions enhanced attendees' understanding and contributed to improving patient care.
During breaks, participants had the opportunity to visit several information stands and engage with researchers and specialists.
iPROLEPSIS was represented by Jolanda Luime (Erasmus MC), who shared insights into the ongoing research project focused on the prevention and early diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis.
The event proved to be an insightful and inspiring day, bringing together a diverse group of patients, researchers, and healthcare professionals. The discussions, networking opportunities, and practical sessions contributed to a deeper understanding of psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis, making it a valuable experience for all involved.
Read more: Terugblik op de afgelopen informatiemiddag - Psoriasispatiënten Nederland