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iPROLEPSIS: updates on user research and co-creation

Oct 17, 2023

Co-creation sessions for advancing the development of the mIPROLEPSIS app

iPROLEPSIS active engagement with users through ongoing co-creation sessions helps to advance the development of the mIPROLEPSIS app, scheduled for delivery before January 2024.

In October 2023, the project partner Erasmus MC (EMC) conducted a co-creation session with patient partners to assess the User Interface (UI) of the PDPID-app. The focus was on improving usability, ensuring users’ understanding of expectations and enhancing users’ engagement to minimise missing data.

The project partner FACULDADE DE MOTRICIDADE HUMANA (FMH-ULISBOA), is also developing storyboards for the personalised gaming suite. Three co-creation sessions were conducted: one with healthcare professionals and two with patient partners.

Project partners The Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) and FACULDADE DE MOTRICIDADE HUMANA (FMH-ULISBOA), in collaboration with the clinical partners, worked on identifying movements for the video analysis that will be included in the iPROLEPSIS-PDPID study. Multiple hand gestures and fullbody movements were identified for further assessment.

Main points: mIPROLEPSIS

  • App’s general looks and UI were approved by the patient partners;

  • Despite being a data-collection app for research purposes, patients emphasise the significance of reviewing their own data entries;

  • Participants noted a need for enhanced visual cues regarding specific activities in the app.

Main points: Personalised gaming suite

  • Smart games meant for disease management need to be highly tailored to the capabilities of the patients;

  • Patients view gaming as a form of relaxation, emphasising the importance of stress-free design;

  • Patient partners expressed interest in the proposed gaming categories.

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